Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 3

Just a quick update!  Week 3 did not go so great when it came to eating right and exercising 5 days during the week.  I sliped a few times and ate a few cookies and other not so good for me stuff.  I also only got 3 days of exercise in instead of the 5 I aimed for.  The good news is that I still dropped 2 lbs. this last week for a total of 19 lbs. lost so far.  Yay me!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Justice vs. The Pencil

Today, Justice was leaving school to walk home and had a newly sharpened pencil in his hand.  Another child ran into him and the pencil somehow went in his mouth and impaled the roof of his mouth.  The tip of the pencil broke off inside the roof of his mouth!  I took him to his dentist (who he had seen yesterday for a filling) and they had to have the oral surgeon next door come and do a little precedure to remove the big chunk of graphite from the roof of his mouth!  He has 1 stitch up there and will be eating soft foods for a few days!  Lesson Learned: Put your pencil in your backpack and do not carry a pencil pointed side up towards your face!  If these kids keep going at the rate of an injury every 1 to 2 weeks, this is going to be a very long and exciting year! Scissors to the cheek (Maridian), swallowing a quarter (Noah), and being impaled in the mouth by a pencil (Justice). All since the 12-21-09! At least they are original right!?!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2

I had a great first week this last week!  I did really well at following a healthy eating plan and made it to aqua aerobics all 5 days!  I am happy to say that when I weighed myself today the scale said 315lbs..down 5 lbs.!!!  So here are this weeks pictures.  Wish me luck in week 2!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year Resolution

Well, it is the beginning of a new year and that means new resolutions.  In past years I have always said that I am going to lose a certain amount of weight.  Every year I fail to meet this resolution.  This year is a little different.  2009 brought several health issues with it for me and a significant rise in my weight instead of a fall.  I have focused everything I have on taking care of my family and they are doing great but I have not taken care of myself.  This had led me to where I am today, overweight and unhealthy.  So, my 2010 New Year Resolution is to do something for myself to drop pounds and gain back my health.  I am not putting a number on the amount of weight I want to lose because I feel it just sets me up for failure.  Instead I have joined a gym and I am trying to eat more healthy and sensable meals and snacks.  Today I did my second Aqua Aerobics class in a row (they are M-F) and feel great!  I love this class and hope to add kickboxing classes to my weekly routine in the next few weeks.  Just so everyone can follow my progress with me, I am going to reveal my starting weight and picture and update it regularly.  This is going to be a GREAT year!

1/5/10- Starting Weight : 320

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First ER Visit of 2010

Well, we had our first Emergency Room visit of the year yesterday!  Michael and I had left the 3 older boys at home doing chores while we went to Costco to do our monthly grocery shopping.  Just as we got into the store, my cell phone rang.  It was Sterling and he said Noah swallowed a quarter and was choking!  Michael left and went and took Noah to the ER while I stayed at Costco and did our shopping.  This is the first time Michael has ever taken a kid to the is always me that takes them.  It may sound awful but I am totally bummed I missed this one because of all the things they did to Noah.  When they got to the ER, the staff immediately stuck in an IV, and took an x-ray to find out the exact location of the quarter.  After Noah puked about 13 times, they were ready to extract the quarter from his throat.  They put a tube with a balloon on the end up his nose and down his throat past the quarter then inflated the balloon and tried to sweep the quarter back up.  All while watching it through live x-ray! It took 12 tries because every time the quarter would hit Noah's gag reflex he would swallow it back down.  FINALLY on the 12th try Noah did not swallow and the quarter was successfully removed!  With 5 kids there is never a dull moment around here!  I was just suprised that our first emergency room visit came only on the second day of the new year!  Gotta Love It!

X-Ray of the quarter in Noahs throat!

Prepping and placing the tube!  Took 4 people to get it done because he was fighting them so!

Last X-Ray right before the quarter finally came out!